Keynote Talk

Ending Child Sexual Abuse One Conversation and One Adult At A Time

Ending Child Sexual Abuse... One Adult and One Conversation at a Time

Despite what many adults believe, child sexual abuse is devastatingly prevalent. However, it's also preventable, and this can be achieved in just one conversation. As a survivor and now expert speaker on child sexual abuse, Jessica Teresi knows the power one conversation holds in shifting how we navigate the prevention of child sexual abuse. Audiences will hear Jessica's own personal journey of child sexual abuse, highlighting what she wishes her community would have done differently. Further, she clarifies the common misconceptions and lack of knowledge that contributed to both her victimization and missed interventions. Combining personal experience with her extensive professional experience in advocacy and prevention, Jessica offers a unique and valuable perspective on an issue plaguing every community.

Key Takeaways:

  • Myths vs. realities of what child sexual abuse looks like

  • Understanding who commits child sexual abuse

  • What recovery looks like for victims of child sexual abuse

  • Practical skills to protect children from child sexual abuse

  • Best practices within communities to prevent child sexual abuse


Her knowledge of advocacy in relation to domestic and sexual violence victims goes far beyond most institutional learning platforms, and helps to expand the world views of those in attendance in other related areas such as healthy relationships, consent, appropriate behavior in the workplace, and the criminal/legal/medical process that victims of sexual or domestic violence will often experience.
— John Thompson, JFHQ, MNNG SARC

I have had the pleasure of providing hundreds of talks to both youth and adults as well as to corporations, non-profits, military, faith based, and non-faith based communities. I’d be happy to consult on a project and create an impactful presentation for your group!

Other topics I am proficient in include;

  • Sexual Assault & Violence Prevention

  • Consent

  • Intimate Partner Violence

  • Campus Sexual Assault Prevention

  • Teen Dating Violence Prevention

  • Ethics in Sexual Assault Advocacy

  • Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation

  • Sexual Assault and Pregnancy/Motherhood

  • Other Topics available